Theme meeting: Taking a skills-based approach to digital literacy and adoption

  • 21/02/2025
  • 9:00am - 10:30am CET
  • Microsoft Teams

With the frantic pace of Microsoft’s innovation of M365, there’s a growing gap between the functionality provided, and what’s been adopted and used by staff. Other vendors are also delivering more and more features, with the same challenges.
While everyone talks about “adoption”, this often ends up trying to “teach everyone everything” or just relying on “how to guides” published to the intranet. Neither approach works.

In this talk James Robertson outlines a “waves” methodology that structured around business scenarios and competences, giving a way of putting shape around how to foster practical digital literacy.

Topics covered:

  • Introducing the “waves” methodology
  • Defining what everyone needs to know, and what is needed by just a handful of staff
  • Creating a plan to foster digital literacy

Session by James Robertson, Owner at Step Two. James is a global thought leader on digital employee experience, digital workplaces and intranets.

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