Theme meeting: How to measure the effect of your digital employee experience efforts

  • 11/11/2024
  • 14:00 to 15:30 CET
  • Microsoft Teams

Digital employee experience both subjective and objective. Its subjective part is about what employees encounter or endure. It’s about the people, about what they feel when interacting with digital tools. Its objective part relates directly to what employee perform and achieve. It’s about the experience, and what employees do when interacting in the digital workplace.

How do you measure both parts? How do you know what they think and feel when using digital tools, when communicating in digital ways, when collaborating in the digital workplace? And how do you know if people can do what they need to do on you digital platforms? That’s what this session is about.

Key take-aways:

  • You’ll better understand both the subjective and the objective part of digital employee experience.
  • You’ll learn how to ask your co-workers the right questions to understand their thoughts relating to work.
  • You’ll learn how to measure the success of employees’ tasks in the digital workplace.
  • And you’ll come away with various practical tips and tricks that’ll help you improve you DEX the very next day.

Theme meeting with Christiaan W. Lustig, Digital employee experience, digital workplace, and intranet consultant at TheDayShift. 

It is Christiaan’s mission to make working better. He supports organisations in the field of internal digital communication, services, and collaboration, so that they better facilitate work. He helps create coherence between applications for a more efficient and effective digital workplace. And he helps professionals create good collaboration agreements. Christiaan has worked on 45+ digital workplaces, totalling more than 250,000 employees, for various national and international clients in his native Netherlands as well as in Belgium.

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