Finding, search and AI on Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 in global companies
  • 08/01/2025
  • 9:30am - 12:00pm CET
  • Microsoft Teams
About the meeting

At this online meeting, we will focus on finding, search, and AI on Microsoft 365. Agnes Molnar from Search Explained will guide us through the theme.

We still have the same discussions as years ago: how to make sure finding information is easy and straightforward for the users? Finding a good solution for this challenge is essential for every organization – yet it feels like we’ll never get there. Or do we?

In Microsoft 365, we have the Microsoft Search experience, which can be somewhat customized – The question is whether it can be good enough to meet users’ needs and expectations, incorporating in-context suggestions and enabling serendipitous discovery.

However, findability is much more than just technology; it requires a combination of culture, communication, and technology, as well as effective content organization. In this session, we will discuss the most important success factors of enterprise search in Microsoft 365—roles and responsibilities, governance, risk management, and more. We’ll also talk about Copilot and other AI tools, their roles, and whether they’ll be the “magic tools” that we’ve been waiting for since the birth of enterprise search.


09.30 Welcome to the meeting
09.45 Short presentation of each member and input for current challenges
10.30 Break
10.45 Theme: Finding, search and AI on Microsoft 365
11.45 Networking and knowledge sharing
12.00 Thank you, and see you next time

Get a free meeting

Do not hesitate to contact meeting facilitator Kurt Kragh Sørensen at or +45 4018 1655 if you are interested in a free meeting.

Consultants and vendors are not allowed as members of the group.